HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XV

April 17-19, 2012
5700 Rivertech Court
Riverdale, MD 20737


Day 1 - Tutorials (Tuesday)
Time Speaker Organization Topic Abstract Presentation
8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:25 Dan Marinelli NASA Welcome and Logistics
8:30 Barbara Jones The HDF Group Introduction to HDF5 Data and Programming Models (Hands-on excercise) Abstract Presentation
9:30 Break
9:50 Elena Pourmal The HDF Group Advanced HDF5 Features Abstract Presentation
10:40 Peter Cao
Dan Kahn
The HDF Group
Tutorial on HDF Tools Abstract Presentation Presentation
11:30 Collaboration / Consultation / Hands-on excercise (SSH or PuTTY are needed.)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Abe Taaheri Raytheon HDF-EOS Tools: HEG & Plug-in for HDFView Abstract Presentation
1:30 John Evans MathWorks Programming Models in MATLAB for HDF5, NetCDF, and OPeNDAP Abstract Presentation
2:00 John Moses NASA ESDIS Plans for Digital Object Identifiers for EOSDIS Abstract Presentation
2:10 Break
2:30 Kent Yang
Larry Knox
Elena Pourmal
The HDF Group Interoperability with netCDF-4 - Experience with NPP and HDF-EOS5 products Abstract Presentation
3:30 Joe Lee
Kent Yang
The HDF Group Tools to improve the usability of NASA HDF Data Abstract Presentation
4:30 Collaboration and Consultation
5:00 Adjourn

Day 2 - Status, Presentations and Posters (Wednesday)
Time Speaker Organization Topic Abstract Presentation
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Dan Marinelli NASA NASA EOSDIS Status and Developments n/a Presentation
8:45 Ted Habermann NOAA Granules Are Forever Presentation
9:45 Break and Collaboration
10:15 Dan Marinelli NASA Summary of EOSDIS User Survey n/a Presentation
10:30 Mike Folk The HDF Group HDF Project Status and Plans Abstract Presentation
11:30 Abe Taaheri Raytheon Current Status of HDF-EOS, Maintenance, Developments, and Tools Abstract Presentation
12:00 Lunch
1:00 SiriJodha Khalsa
Molly McAllister
NSIDC Support for HDF Data Products at NSIDC Abstract Presentation
1:30 James Johnson NASA GESDISC GES DISC experiences with HDF formats for MEaSUREs projects Abstract Presentation
1:40 Jeffrey Lee NASA Bridging ICESat and ICESat-2 Standard Data Products(with a poster) Abstract Presentation Poster
1:50 Benjamin White NASA EED An Introduction to the NASA ISO Implementation Wiki Abstract Presentation
2:00 Yuanzheng Shao CSISS Access HDF-EOS data with OGC Web Coverage Service - Earth Observation Application Profile Abstract Presentation
2:10 Break
2:30 Peter Cao The HDF Group HDF Tools Updates and Discussions Abstract Presentation
3:10 Joe Lee
Kent Yang
The HDF Group HDF OPeNDAP Project Update and Demo Abstract Presentation
3:40 Gerd Heber The HDF Group Toward a New XML Representation for HDF5 Abstract Presentation
3:50 Gerd Heber The HDF Group RESTful HDF5 Abstract See Gerd's XML presentation
4:10 Gerd Heber The HDF Group PSH5X - A Windows PowerShell Extension for HDF5 Abstract See Gerd's XML presentation
4:20 Gerd Heber The HDF Group The Uneasy Relationship Between Databases and HDF5 Abstract See Gerd's XML presentation
4:30 Derick Hess
Steve Azevedo
Bruce Beaudoin
PASSCAL Instrument Center Archiving and Translating Seismic Data using HDF5(with a poster) Abstract Poster
4:40 Mike Wan
Leesa Brieger
RENCI IRODS - Interoperability in Data Management(with a poster) Abstract Presentation Poster
4:50 Benjamin J. Hodel Caterpillar Data Storage for Remote Monitoring of Caterpillar Machines Abstract Presentation
5:00 Adjourn
Other posters Wei Huang NCAR NCL and its application with HDF and HDF-EOS Poster

Day 3 - Applications and Demos (Thursday)
Time Speaker Organization Topic Abstract Presentation
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Nawajish Noman
Jeff Donze
ESRI HDF and netCDF Data Support in ArcGIS Abstract Presentation
9:00 Mark Piper Exelis Visual Information Solutions Using IDL with Suomi NPP VIIRS Data Abstract Presentation
9:20 Ted Habermann et al. NOAA etc. Connecting HDF with ISO Metadata Standards Abstract Presentation
9:50 Dayong Shen et al. Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), George Mason University Web-based On-demand Global NDVI Data Services Abstract Presentation
10:05 Break
10:20 Mike Folk
Elena Pourmal
The HDF Group HDF Group Support for NPP/NPOESS/JPSS Abstract Presentation
10:50 Ruth Aydt The HDF Group HDF4 Mapping Project Update Abstract Presentation
11:20 Wish List
12:00 Lunch (on your own)
1:00 Collaboration and Consultation

Last modified: 06/02/2017
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