The integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) is a data grid infrastructure that allows distributed data to be viewed, shared, and managed as a single collection; its modularity allows users to customize the software, implementing unique data policy and/or integrating it with existing infrastructure for greater interoperability. Extension and specialization of iRODS allow it to be integrated into existing tools used by diverse communities. IRODS integration with HDF5 in 2008 proved useful to the cosmology community, allowing remote slicing and viewing to be handled by iRODS for HDF5 data residing on iRODS servers. The NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) wraps some of its data collections in iRODS to present a filesystem view to the Earth System Grid (ESG) gateway for publishing to the broader community. NCCS also uses an iRODS integration with NetCDF to separate metadata from the data objects in support of discovery, long term curation, and reuse/repurposing of the data. A tighter integration with NetCDF is in development now for the DataNet Federation Consortium project: NETCDF APIs are wrapped into iRODS APIs and micro-services, allowing NetCDF operations to be performed by iRODS on NetCDF data stored on iRODS servers.