Tools to Improve the Usability of NASA HDF Data

This tutorial is designed for anyone who wants to access NASA HDF and HDF-EOS data with tools and software packages primarily developed for other data formats such as netCDF.

In the past three years, The HDF Group developed a few tools aiming to improve the usability of NASA HDF and HDF-EOS data files. This tutorial will demonstrate how to use these tools. The tools are the H4CF Conversion Toolkit, the HDF-EOS5 Augmentation Tool, the HDF-EOS2 to netCDF-4 Converter, HDF-EOS5 to netCDF-4 Converter, and HDF-EOS2 Dumper.

The H4CF Conversion Toolkit includes the H4CF Conversion Library which provides APIs to access the HDF4/HDF-EOS2 objects following the CF conventions. In addition, the toolkit also provides the HDF4/HDF-EOS2 to netCDF-3 and netCDF-4 classic converters based on the library. For more information, visit

The HDF-EOS5 Augmentation Tool augments an existing HDF-EOS5 file so that the augmented file can be accessed by both the HDF-EOS5 library and the netCDF-4 library. For more information, visit

We also provide an option in the HDF4 to HDF5 conversion tool, which can convert an HDF-EOS2 file to an HDF5 file that can be accessed by the netCDF-4 library.

The HDF-EOS5 to netCDF-4 Converter converts an HDF-EOS5 file to an HDF5 file that can be read by the netCDF-4 libraries. For more information, visit

The HDF-EOS2 Dumper dumps useful information of an HDF-EOS2 file. For example, this tool can dump latitude and longitude data for all grids and swaths. For more information, visit

Bring questions and comments for these tools to the workshop.

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Last modified: 06/02/2017
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