Several examples are provided to access HDF-EOS files via HDF-EOS libraries and tools.
Main page about this section: Comprehensive Examples
We provide a comprehensive list of complete programming examples in Python, NCL, IDL, and MATLAB for various NASA HDF/HDF-EOS products like MODIS, AIRS, TRMM, CERES, MISR, GSSTF, Aquarius, VIIRS, SeaWiFS, etc.
Main page about this section: Library Examples
We provide examples on how to access HDF-EOS Grid
and Swath files using programming
languages such as C, Fortran,
, and
Special examples such as retrieving geo-location information from an HDF-EOS Grid file are also provided.
A few general examples to access HDF-EOS Grid and Swath objects are listed below.
Main page about this section: Tool Examples
Examples are also provided on how to use some widely used tools to access HDF-EOS files. Current examples include HEG, IDV via OPeNDAP and GrADS via OPeNDAP .