Tool Examples
This page provides several examples on how to access
using widely-used tools. For detailed information about all tools we have
collected, check
Apache Drill
- A detailed document on how to use Apache Drill to access NASA HDF and HDF-EOS files.
Microsoft Excel
- A detailed document on how to use Microsoft Excel to access NASA HDF and HDF-EOS files.
- A detailed document on how to use GrADS to access NASA HDF and
HDF-EOS files.
Using GrADS via OPeNDAP
- includes a step-by-step instruction to visualize HDF-EOS5 data
by using GrADS via OPeNDAP.
- how to convert HDF-EOS2 grid and swath files into GeoTIFF files.
Using IDV via OPeNDAP
- includes a step-by-step instruction to visualize HDF-EOS5 data
by using IDV via OPeNDAP.
Using McIDAS-V via OPeNDAP
- includes a step-by-step instruction to visualize HDF-EOS5 data
by using McIDAS-V via OPeNDAP.
Using Panoply via OPeNDAP
- includes a step-by-step instruction to visualize HDF-EOS5 data
by using Panoply via OPeNDAP.
- A detailed document on how to use NCL to access NASA HDF and
HDF-EOS files.
- A detailed document on how to use NCL to access NASA HDF-EOS5
MLS Swath files via OPeNDAP.
Using Ferret via OPeNDAP
- A detailed document on how to use Ferret to access NASA HDF-EOS
files via OPeNDAP
Binary Dumper
- explains how to use the tool dump HDF-EOS2 objects into binary
For a comprehensive list of examples on how to access and visualize
various NASA HDF/HDF-EOS files using the IDL, MATLAB and NCL tools,
please click here.
Last modified: 11/11/2020