There are several
tools that can access and display NASA HDF/HDF-EOS data directly.
Here we use
to display
Follow these simple steps to display a dataset from remote HDF/HDF-EOS file via OPeNDAP.
We use a
for illustration.
You can download the latest Panoply from
The link will lead to Panoply website and
it has installation instruction for each OS under Download Panoply section.
When Panoply starts, you will see a pop-up window asking for a local file to open.
Press Cancel button because we'll load a remote dataset via OPeNDAP, not a local one.
You need to choose the data URL you want to display. Select File menu and then select Open Remote File.... Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+L for Windows or Command+L for Mac. A text dialog box will pop up saying Enter the URL of a remote dataset to open: as shown in Figure 2.
Type (or copy and paste) the URL in the Figure 3 at the text box and press Load button.
Once the data is loaded, a window like Figure 4 will appear.
You can see datasets appear under Datasets table view. This area is used to select the dataset to be visualized. The plottable datasets will have square brackets like [lon][lat] under Type column. You cannot plot datasets with - under Type column. To visualize a dataset, double click one of the plottable datasets. For example, double click ColumnAmountO3. You can view the data in a new window. The display window will look like Figure 5 below. Panoply can visualize zonal average data easily along latitude and vertical dimension. For example, please read this forum message for visualizing NASA AURA MLS data.Here are some tutorial YouTube videos from NASA Earthdata: