There are several
tools that can access and display HDF-EOS data directly. Here we use
to display
data. Follow these simple steps to display the data of interest.
We use a NASA OMI HDF-EOS5 data for illustration. You can also download it
More OMI data served with OPeNDAP can be found at
1. Download and install IDV
For more information about how to download and install IDV, click
2. Start IDV
When IDV starts for the first time, you will see three windows respectively:
2.a IDV Help Tips window. An optional window with tips on using the IDV. You can close this window.
You need to choose the data you want to display. Currently you have three options to choose the data:
Option 1: Clicking the Data Choosers tab on the dashboard window.
Toward the left side of the window there is a list of options to choose the data.
Click URLs under General
Option 2: Clicking Data on the main menu and then choosing Choose Data
Option 3: Clicking File on the main menu and then choosing New->Data Source
and provide (copy & paste) the following example OPeNDAP URL:
in the URL: box and choose Data from an OPeNDAP server in the Data Source Type box. Alternatively, if the above NASA URL doesn't work, you can try The HDF Group OPeNDAP demo server URL that serves the same data:
Once the data is loaded you will be taken to the Field Selector window. The Field Selector window is divided into four sub-categories:
Data Sources, Fields, Displays and Region Stride.
This window is used to select the field to be displayed and the visualization option.
Select the data of interest from the Data Source window
Select the data field you want to display.
To do this, you need to click the 'Fields' name(2D grid in this example) under Fields,
Then choose the data field you want to display(Best Total Ozone Solution in this example).
Select the display type. In this case click Plan Views and then select Color-Shaded Plan View.
Optionally use the subsetting list to have the required (region, time, stride etc.) settings.
Press Create Display
You can view the data in the Unidata workshop IDV window. It should look like: