This page explains the use of Grid Analysis and Display System
visualization client to access and display HDF-EOS data.
The GrADS is an interactive desktop tool for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data.
Follow these simple steps to display the data of interest.
We use a NASA OMI
data for illustration.
You can download it
GrADS can be downloaded and installed from any of the following web links:
Several GrADS applications are available. The ones that are useful for our purpose include:
Table 1 GrADS Applications (Source: 'Getting_Started' HTML document in the package.) |
at the command line prompt. If grads
program file is not in your current directory, or if it is not in your PATH somewhere, you may need to enter the full path name.
In order to choose the data you need to work with, issue the following command:
<URL>: For selecting the file/data you need to open.
You can issue the following interactive commands for displaying the data:
set gxout shaded
: For specifying the levels and colors for filled contour plots.
query file
: For querying the file opened above. Also, gives you the list of variables that can be displayed.
<variable_to_display> : 'd' is the short for display. It is used to display the variable you need to view.
d radiativecloudf
to display the Radiative Cloud Fraction
It should look like:
The same data variable would display in
by selecting Radiative Cloud Fraction -> Color Shaded Plan View -> Create Display in the Field Selector window.
It should look like: