Library Examples

This page provides many examples on how to access HDF-EOS files using C, FORTRAN, IDL, and MATLAB programming languages. Besides general C, Fortran,IDL and MATLAB examples, C and Fortran examples to access some NASA EOS data products distributed by NASA data centers such as GES DISC, NSIDC, LP DAAC and LaRC are available.

We also provide a section with several special programming examples that includes the access of special HDF-EOS files and retrieval of specific information from HDF-EOS files. Since most Earth Science applications need to know the geo-location information such as the latitude and the longitude for a given data element, in this section we provide a page to describe how one can use HDF-EOS2 APIs to retrieve latitude and longitude information from an HDF-EOS Grid file. Other examples include how one can retrieve one HDF-EOS file metadata information that cannot be accessed by HDF-EOS APIs and some helpful hints on how to handle HDF-EOS2 Grid files that don't provide some key metadata information.





Special examples to handle HDF-EOS data

Last modified: 11/11/2020
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