NDE's XML Tailoring Service

The NDE project prepares NOAA’s systems to handle observations of the Earth and atmosphere from NPOESS satellites. NOAA’s NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE), which is separate from the tri-agency NPOESS program, coordinates the work of scientists, developers and users of satellite data to ensure that the Nation derives benefits when NPOESS is deployed.

One of NDE's software development efforts involves the manipulation of NPOESS data products in HDF-5 format, and NOAA Unique Products in netCDF4 format, to create custom-tailored products for end-users. NDE chose the development of an XML based data selection service to subset, aggregate, filter, and sub-sample its product data to a common intermediate format; netCDF4/CF. From this intermediate format, final customization is done using mapping, imaging, and gridding tools that use the intermediate format as input.

The service uses the data warehousing construct of data cubes, groupings of measures with common dimensions. A data cube is a logical construct that spans multiple product files. It is used by the data selection service to translate XML data selection queries against a data cube into HDF or netCDF libraries calls.

This poster describes the approach and lessons learned during the development effort.

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Last modified: 06/02/2017
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