Transforming the Geocomputational Battlespace Framework With HDF5

The complexities inherent in mission operations make the information management task an immense challenge, one which must be addressed in part by focusing on how information is organized, integrated, accessed, and analyzed. Toward that end the goals of this study are to identify the role that HDF5 can play as a data management platform for Battlefield military operations, to demonstrate the use of HDF5 visualization tools to present operational data, and to identify a research and development plan to develop a prototype geoinformatic data management system based on HDF5.

An HDFView plug-in GUI can be implemented to display HDF5 data in ways show how data integration is achieved, and also be adapted to perform simple fusion operations. A demonstration of these capabilities will help illustrate the results of this study and in stimulating ideas for the next phase of work. For the purpose of this study, a simple ERDC plug-in was implemented to prove the feasibility of the concept.

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Last modified: 06/02/2017
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