Implementation of HDF-EOS5 and HDF5 into NCL

NCAR Command Language (NCL) is an interpreted language designed for scientific data analysis and visualization with high quality graphics, especially for atmospheric scince.NCL has been support NetCDF 3/4, GRIB 1/2, HDF-SDS, HDF_EOS, shape files, binary, and ASCII files for years. Recently, we started to implement HDF-EOS5 and HDF5 into NCL. Here, we will report about our results of HDF-EOS5 in NCL, with plots show that NCL can handle HDF-EOS5 data properly. As HDF5 is different from above data, a new data structure is designed to hold HDF5 group/dataset attributes, and then read HDF5 data through this data structure. We will discuss how we define the data structure, and show the plots from HDF5 data with NCL. Then we will share with people about the experience, questions, and issues we met during implement HDF-EOS5, and HDF5 into NCL.

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Last modified: 06/02/2017
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