HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XI
Connections: Bringing together data users, providers, developers, and stewards
November 6 - November 8, 2007
This year's theme is to encourage collaboration among communities who are making, using, providing services for, and maintaining access to data that has been flowing from existing satellites, and will begin flowing from missions in the near future.
- Continue on-going dialog among users of HDF and EOS (Earth Observing System) and IPO developers.
- Stimulate exchange about practical use of HDF for Earth observation data.
- Collect feedback to help prioritize HDF standards work over the coming year.
- Educate participants in the use of HDF and HDF-related applications.
- Enable group or private technical discussions with program and technical experts.
Topic areas include:
- Program status reports
- Development plans -- new features
- Heritage (HDF) to HDF5 migration; archival issues
- HDF and other standards (e.g., netCDF)
- Tools, utilities (description or demonstration)
- Earth science data applications
- Interaction with metadata and application profiles/conventions
- Lessons learned; lessons learned from other disciplines; missing pieces; end-to-end system considerations
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Program Committee:
- Dan Marinelli, NASA, ESDIS Project
- Carol Boquist, NASA, ESDIS Project
- Mike Folk, The HDF Group
- Richard Ullman NPOESS Integrated Project Office
- Elena Pourmal, The HDF Group
- Kent Yang, The HDF Group
- Abe Taaheri, L-3 Communications, HDF-EOS Developer
Last modified: 06/02/2017