The HDF5 OPeNDAP handler (hdf5_handler) is a software that can be used to access HDF5 data via OPeNDAP's Data Access Protocol, both DAP2 and DAP4. The HDF Group has designed and implemented this software. The OPeNDAP's visualization client tools should display all NASA HDF-EOS5 and netCDF-4 products via the HDF5 handler. Some HDF5 products that are neither HDF-EOS5 nor netCDF-4(SMAP,GPM etc.) are also supported.
The tested NASA HDF-EOS5 products include OMI, HIRDLS, MLS,TES, MOPITT, VIIRS, LANCE AMSR_2, MEaSUREs GSSTF. The tested NASA HDF5 products are ICESAT-2,SMAP,GPM, OCO2,ACOS and Aquarius. The tested NASA netCDF-4 products include TROP-OMI, AirMSPI, OMPS-NPP, Arctas-CAR, many MEaSURES, Ocean color and GHRSST.
Since the Hyrax 1.13.2 release, the HDF5 OPeNDAP handler has become a module of the Hyrax Back End Server(BES). The HDF Group still maintains and develops this module. The latest information about the HDF5 OPeNDAP handler can be found at Hyrax's github repository here.
The image below, generated by
Panoply via OPeNDAP,
shows the NASA GES DISC OMI ozone data near the South Pole on
December 9, 2013. This is possible through the HDF5 handler.
Since the Hyrax 1.13.2 release, the HDF5 handler has been part of the Hyrax BES. No seperate download is necessary. Check the latest Hyrax
release and RPMs that includes the HDF5 handler at
OPeNDAP website.
Since the Hyrax 1.13.2 release, the Hyrax team has provided one BES RPM that includes the HDF5 handler in their release distribution.
No HDF5 handler RPM is needed to be installed. Check the latest Hyrax
release and RPMs that includes the HDF5 handler module at
OPeNDAP website.
Since the HDF5 handler is a module in the Hyrax' BES package, people need to build the whole BES from source. Hyrax' team provides information on how to build Hyrax from the source here.
A comprehensive and most-up-to-dated HDF5 handler user's guide can be found at github. The hdf5_handler was completely re-engineered at version 2.0.0(Hyrax 1.7) in 2012. Here's the technical note on why it's re-engineered and how it's different from the previous versions. An older HDF5 to DAP2 mapping is also provided.
For detailed NASA EOSDIS HDF5 products that the HDF5 OPeNDAP handler support and a collection of screenshots generated from various OPeNDAP client tools such as IDV and Panoply, please click sample demo and screenshots. Some Hyrax service examples can also be found from this page.
Check here for limitations and known problems.
Please check the usage document on how to use NcML to access NASA HDF5 files via Hyrax. More information can also be found at our NCML_HDF5_OPeNDAP page and our NCML_HDF5 page.