This page describes the LP DAAC MOD HDF-EOS2 and HDF4 files.

HDF-EOS2 Swath files

The swath files use dimension maps so users need to either find the corresponding geolocation HDF-EOS2 files or calculate the latitude/longitude based on dimension map parameters. The size of dimension varies in geolocation fields and data fields.
For example, for the file MOD11_L2.A2007278.0350.005.2007280073443.hdf, the dimension size of geolocation fields is 406 (Coarse_swath_lines_5km) by 271 (Coarse_swath_pixels_5km), while the dimension size of data fields is 2030 (Along_swath_lines_1km) by 1354 (Cross_swath_pixels_1km).

The following table summarizes the information collected for the Swath files:

File type File size(avg.) Geolocation Field Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Other special issues
4MB Lat/Lon = 2D 2D Both geolocation fields and data fields have 'units' and 'long_name' attributes. Files have dimension map.

HDF-EOS2 grid files

The projections of them are Geographic (GEO) or Sinusoidal (SNSOID). The following table summarizes the information collected for the Grid files:

File type File size(avg.) Number of grid Has lat/lon Projection Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Other special issues
330KB -1.54GB 1 or 2 No GEO, or SNSOID* 2D - 4D Data fields have 'units' and 'long_name' attributes. Some files contain objects and attributes that are added by the HDF4 APIs.
* Some software tools require extra steps to retrieve latitude and longitude for the SNSOID projection.

HDF4 files

The following table summarizes the information collected for the HDF4 files:

File type File size(avg.) Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant attributes information Other special issues
HDF4 5MB 1D, 2D Geo fields and some data fields have both 'units' and 'long_name' attributes. FP_latitude and FP_longitude, which are equivalent to latitude and longitude, have unlimited dimensions (zero length in the current files).

To retrieve sample MOD files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

Last modified: 06/02/2017
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