This document describes the GESDISC MEaSUREs files.

The following tables summarize the information collected for the files.

HDF5 ZA files

File size(avg.) Number of datasets Coordinate system Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Features
8MB 25 Latitude, Date, Time, ProfilePressureLevels 3D (ProfileOzone[date/time][lat][lev]) No dimension scales; units and long_name attributes exist. No chunking / compression is used.

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs BUV files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

HDF5 Swath files

File size(avg.) Number of datasets Coordinate system Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Features
3.4MB 74 Latitude, Longitude, Year, DayOfYear, SolarZenithAngle 2D (ProfileO3Retrieved[nTimes][nLevels21]) Trajectory. Dimension scales are used. Chunking 1051x21 / GZIP level 5 compression is used.

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SBUV files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

SeaWiFS DeepBlue

File size(avg.) Number of datasets Coordinate system Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Features
4.9MB 29 latitude (2D), longitude (2D), natrack, nxtrack 2D (aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land[natrack][nxtrack]) Dimension scales are used. Chunking 36x36 / GZIP level 5 compression is used.

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SeaWiFS DeepBlue Swath files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

HDF5 Grid files

File size(avg.) Number of datasets Coordinate system Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information Features
2.2MB 34 latitude, longitude, land_bands 3D (aerosol_optical_thickness_land[land_bands][latitude][longitude]) Dimension scales are used. units and standard_name attributes are used for coordinate variables. Chunking 3x36x36 / GZIP level 5 compression is used.

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SeaWiFS DeepBlue Grid files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

HDF-EOS5 Grid files

File size(avg.) Number of grid Has lat/lon Projection Datafield Dim. Range CF-compliant information
1MB - 6MB 1 - 3 Yes GEO 2D Datafields have units and 'LongName' attributes;

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs GSSTF files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

netCDF-4 Zonal Average files

File size(avg.) Number of variables Coordinate variables Variable Dim. Range CF-compliant information
185KB 20 time, lev, lat 3D - average[time][lev][lat] CF-1.5; Variables are under a group called Merged; Datafields have units and long_name attributes.

To retrieve sample MEaSUREs GOZCARDS files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.

Last modified: 06/02/2017
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