This document describes the GESDISC MEaSUREs files.
The following tables summarize the information collected for the files.
File size(avg.) | Number of datasets | Coordinate system | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
8MB | 25 | Latitude, Date, Time, ProfilePressureLevels | 3D (ProfileOzone[date/time][lat][lev]) | No dimension scales; units and long_name attributes exist. | No chunking / compression is used. |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs BUV files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
File size(avg.) | Number of datasets | Coordinate system | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
3.4MB | 74 | Latitude, Longitude, Year, DayOfYear, SolarZenithAngle | 2D (ProfileO3Retrieved[nTimes][nLevels21]) | Trajectory. Dimension scales are used. | Chunking 1051x21 / GZIP level 5 compression is used. |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SBUV files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
File size(avg.) | Number of datasets | Coordinate system | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
4.9MB | 29 | latitude (2D), longitude (2D), natrack, nxtrack | 2D (aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land[natrack][nxtrack]) | Dimension scales are used. | Chunking 36x36 / GZIP level 5 compression is used. |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SeaWiFS DeepBlue Swath files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
File size(avg.) | Number of datasets | Coordinate system | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
2.2MB | 34 | latitude, longitude, land_bands | 3D (aerosol_optical_thickness_land[land_bands][latitude][longitude]) | Dimension scales are used. units and standard_name attributes are used for coordinate variables. | Chunking 3x36x36 / GZIP level 5 compression is used. |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs SeaWiFS DeepBlue Grid files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
File size(avg.) | Number of grid | Has lat/lon | Projection | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information |
1MB - 6MB | 1 - 3 | Yes | GEO | 2D | Datafields have units and 'LongName' attributes; |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs GSSTF files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
File size(avg.) | Number of variables | Coordinate variables | Variable Dim. Range | CF-compliant information |
185KB | 20 | time, lev, lat | 3D - average[time][lev][lat] | CF-1.5; Variables are under a group called Merged ; Datafields have units and long_name attributes. |
To retrieve sample MEaSUREs GOZCARDS files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.