This document describes the GES DISC GPM HDF5 files.
The following table summarizes the information collected for the files:
File size(avg.) | Coordinate system | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
17MB | Latitude/Longitude (2D); SCaltitude, SClatitude, SClongitude, SCorientation under SCstatus group.
| 2D, 3D | No dimension scale; Non-standard name attributes:'Units', 'DimensionNames', 'CodeMissingValue'; Non-standard attribute value 'degrees' is used. | Chunking: 32 x 221; Compression: gzip level 6 |
To retrieve sample GPM Swath files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.
The following table summarizes the information collected for the files:
File size(avg.) | Number of grid | Has lat/lon | Projection | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Features |
29MB | 1 | Yes | GEO: Registration=Center, Origin=SOUTHWEST, Resolution=0.1 degrees | 2D | Dimension scales are used. Both data and coordinate variables have standard CF attributes. | Chunking - 145 x 1800; Compression - gzip level 6 |
To retrieve sample GPM files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.