This document describes the GESDISC AIRS version 6 data files. AIRS version 6 data is quite different from earlier versions products because they use dimension scale. Dimension scales are named with the following convention: Dimension name:Grid or Swath name
All of Level 2 files are HDF-EOS2 Swath files.
The following table summarizes the information collected for the files:
File type | File size(avg.) | Geolocation Field | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Other special issues |
HDF-EOS2 (Swath) |
4MB | Lat/Lon = 2D | 1D- 4D | Neither HDF-EOS2 geolocation fields nor data fields have units or long_name attributes. Dimension scales have units and long_name attributes. Some SDS (2D or more) datasets have _FillValue attribute with value -9999.0 . VData (1D) datasets do not have attributes. |
Compression - gzip level 1; Dimension scales have 'format' attribute that IDL can use. |
All Level 3 files are HDF-EOS2 Grid files and the projection is geographic. The following table summarizes the information collected for the files:
File type | File size(avg.) | Number of grid | Has lat/lon | Projection | Datafield Dim. Range | CF-compliant information | Other special issues |
(Grid) |
361MB | 1-7 | Yes | GEO | 2D-3D | Data fields do not have units or long_name attributes but have _FillValue attribute with value -9999.0 . Dimension scale has CF compliant attributes and values. |
Compression - gzip level 5; 2D lat/lon datasets are under location grid. |
To retrieve sample AIRS version6 files and read the detailed description of these files, please click here.