HDF and HDF-EOS Workshop XII
Moving Forward with HDF
New Missions. New Opportunities. A New Generation of Users.
October 15 - October 17, 2008
- Doubletree Hotel Denver-Southeast
- 13696 East Iliff Place
- Aurora CO 80014
- Continue on-going dialog among users of HDF and EOS (Earth Observing System) and IPO developers.
- Stimulate exchange about practical use of HDF for Earth observation data.
- Collect feedback to help prioritize HDF standards work over the coming year.
- Educate participants in the use of HDF and HDF-related applications.
- Enable group or private technical discussions with program and technical experts.
Topic areas include:
- Program status reports
- Development plans -- new features
- Heritage (HDF) to HDF5 migration; archival issues
- HDF and other standards (e.g., netCDF)
- Tools, utilities (description or demonstration)
- Earth science data applications
- Interaction with metadata and application profiles/conventions
- Lessons learned; lessons learned from other disciplines; missing pieces; end-to-end system considerations
URL References:
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's ESDIS Project
Program Committee:
- Dan Marinelli, NASA, ESDIS Project
- Carol Boquist, NASA, ESDIS Project
- Mike Folk, The HDF Group
- Elena Pourmal, The HDF Group
- Kent Yang, The HDF Group
- Abe Taaheri, Raytheon, HDF-EOS Developer
Last modified: 06/02/2017