As the volume and complexity of data from myriad Earth Observing platforms, both remote sensing and in-situ increases so does the demand for access to both data and information products from these data. The audience no longer is restricted to an investigator team with specialist science credentials. Non-specialist users from scientists from other disciplines, science-literate public, to teachers, to the general public and decision makers want access. What prevents them from this access to resources? It is the very complexity and specialist developed data formats, data set organizations and specialist terminology. What can be done in response? We must shift the burden from the user to the data provider. To achieve this our developed data infrastructures are likely to need greater degrees of internal code and data structure complexity to achieve (relatively) simpler end-user complexity. Evidence from numerous technical and consumer markets supports this scenario. We will cover the elements of modern data environments, what the new use cases are and how we can respond to them.
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