Merging the NetCDF and HDF5 Libraries to Achieve Gains in Performance and Interoperability

During the first year of the project "Merging the NetCDF and HDF5 Libraries to Achieve Gains in Performance and Interoperability" we have made progress towards the ultimate goals to create a new data access library combining the desirable characteristics of netCDF-3 and HDF5, make netCDF more suitable for high-performance computing, provide a new simple, high-level interface for HDF5, and demonstrate benefits of the combination for advanced Earth science modeling. We have successfully integrated a netCDF interface with the HDF5 storage layer. We are experimenting with full-scale data sets in the prototype. The project is on schedule for initial release of netCDF-4 in the summer of 2005, with earlier test releases planned.

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Last modified: 06/02/2017
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