h4toh5 Conversion Tool Download

h4toh5 is a command-line tool that can convert HDF4 file into HDF5 file. This page provides the information to download the static HDF4 to HDF5 conversion tool.

If you need the h4toh5 conversion tool only, you can download static binaries from Table 1.The utility is built with HDF5 1.10.6 and HDF4.2.15. Check the HDF4 to CF conversion toolkit if you want to convert NASA HDF4/HDF-EOS2 files to HDF5/netCDF-4 and netCDF-3 files by following the CF conventions.

Platform Binary SHA256
Linux CentOS7(x86_64) h4toh5 sha256
Linux CentOS6(x86_64) h4toh5 sha256
MacOS 10.15(Catalina) h4toh5 sha256
Table 1. h4toh5 Conversion Tool Binary Distribution


To run the h4toh5 conversion tool, on command-line, just run

$chmod u+x h4toh5
$./h4toh5 input.hdf

The static binaries are built with the h4h5tools version 2.2.5. You can download the h4h5tools source at h4h5tools_download.

The static binaries are built with system provided zlib and static jpeg and szip libraries for MacOS and static zlib, szip and jpeg for CentOS.

Last modified: 03/10/2020
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