Safe Software Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) is an extensive, modular
problem-solving environment for data analysis. As its name implies,
it is geared for Feature Identification and Manipulation. Among its many
types of data file readers are modules for reading HDF files specific
to the
data products.
A trial version of FME Desktop for Windows may be downloaded from
Version of the software for Linux Intel x86 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5)
(linux-x86) is available on a limited basis.
Safe FME provides Microsoft Windows Installer package, which is straightforward to install.
and one
ASTER HDF data file was used to demonstrate visualization in the FME
Desktop. Users can download these files from
and from
The FME Desktop installer installs a folder under the Windows Start->All Programs menu.
In the FME Desktop toolbar, select File->Open... All Files (*.*). HYPERION HDF files have extension ".L1R" and ASTER HDF files have extension ".HDF". To open HYPERION HDF files, select Reader Format: "Hierarchical Data Format 4 (HDF4) Hyperion".
Select the data file to load, the Reader module to use, the Attributes of the input file to pass through to the module outputs, the geographical coordinate system to use.
The default behavior is to route all 242 bands of raster data in the HYPERION HDF file to the writer module. It is possible to create an instance of the HDF4 Hyperion Reader without a connected Writer module.We used the following network of modules in the FME Desktop Workbench to visualize one raster band of the HYPERION HDF file.
We used an instance of the RasterSelector and RasterBandKeeper Transformer modules to select band 8 of the HYPERION HDF file. Note the location of the "Run or Resume Translation" button widgets in the FME Desktop Workbench user interface (Circled in Red).When the above network of modules is run, the Visualizer module launches the resulting Universal Viewer window containing the visualization.
To open ASTER HDF files, select Reader Format: "Hierarchical Data Format 4 (HDF4) ASTER". In this case, we chose to Generate the Workspace with a connected PNG Raster Writer module. The HDF4_ASTER module provides user interface to Select the Feature Types from the input HDF file to route to the output of the Reader module.
In this case, the FME Feature Types to be selected correspond to the Swath ImageData Fields of the ASTER HDF file.The following network of modules is created in the FME Desktop Workbench user interface:
When we select the "Run or Resume Translation" button widget of the Desktop Workbench user interface, the PNG Raster Writer Module creates one PNG image file for each of the fifteen Swath ImageData fields of the input ASTER HDF file. The following is the PNG image corresponding to Data Field SWATH VNIR ImageData2 of the ASTER HDF file.