Frequently Asked Questions

What is HDF4?external
What is HDF5?external
What is HDF-EOS? How does it differ from standard HDF?
What is the Earth Observing System (EOS)?
What versions of HDF and HDF-EOS are available and how are they different?
Why did NASA choose HDF-EOS as the format for data products from the EOS instruments?
Why can't I find Terra MODIS data on certain dates from NASA Earthdata search?

Data Recipes
Why do MODIS examples require MOD03 product files?
Why can't I find examples of HDF data products from ESA, ISRO, and JAXA?
How can I subset HDF-EOS data for a specific region like India in MATLAB or Python?
How can I create a GeoTIFF from HDF-EOS in Python or MATLAB?
How can I clip a plot in Python using a shape file?
How can I create a netCDF from HDF-EOS in MATLAB, Python, or a command line tool (CLI)?
How can I aggregate/merge datasets from multiple HDF-EOS files in MATLAB, Python or IDL?
How can I create a CSV from HDF-EOS file in MATLAB or Python?
How can I convert Swath to Grid in Python?
How can I read data using PyDAP when NASA OPeNDAP server returns 302 error?

How can I join a forum?
How can I (un)subscribe a forum by e-mail?

Other FAQs
NASA's HDF-EOS FAQexternal
NASA's SDP Toolkit FAQexternal

Last modified: 05/10/2023
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