; ; This example code illustrates how to access and visualize MEaSUREs ; GSSTF_NCEP HDF-EOS5 Grid file in IDL. ; ; If you have any questions, suggestions, comments on this example, please ; use the HDF-EOS Forum (http://hdfeos.org/forums). ; ; If you would like to see an example of any other NASA HDF/HDF-EOS data ; product that is not listed in the HDF-EOS Comprehensive Examples page ; (http://hdfeos.org/zoo), feel free to contact us at eoshelp@hdfgroup.org or ; post it at the HDF-EOS Forum (http://hdfeos.org/forums). ; Usage: ; ; $idl GSSTF_NCEP.3.2008.12.31.he5.idl ; ; Tested under: IDL 8.7.2 ; Last updated: 2021-02-11 ; Open file. file_name='GSSTF_NCEP.3.2008.12.31.he5' file_id=H5F_OPEN(file_name) datafield_name='/HDFEOS/GRIDS/NCEP/Data Fields/SST' data_id=H5D_OPEN(file_id,datafield_name) dataspace_id=H5D_GET_SPACE(data_id) dims=H5S_GET_SIMPLE_EXTENT_DIMS(dataspace_id) dims=float(dims) ; Convert data type for division operator. lon_dims=dims(0) lat_dims=dims(1) data=H5D_READ(data_id) ; Get units units_id=H5A_OPEN_NAME(data_id, 'units') units=H5A_READ(units_id) ; Get fillvalue fillvalue_id=H5A_OPEN_NAME(data_id,'_FillValue') fillvalue=H5A_READ(fillvalue_id) ; Get longname longname_id=H5A_OPEN_NAME(data_id,'long_name') longname=H5A_READ(longname_id) H5A_Close, longname_id H5A_Close, fillvalue_id H5D_Close, data_id ; Get max and min value of data. idx=where(data ne fillvalue(0), cnt) if cnt gt 0 then datamin=min(data[idx]) if cnt gt 0 then datamax=max(data[idx]) ; Process fill value, convert data that are equal to fillvalue to NaN idx=where(data eq fillvalue(0), cnt) if cnt gt 0 then data[idx] = !Values.F_NAN ; Calculate the latitude and longitude range based on vector points ; and lat/lon step lat=FINDGEN(lat_dims)*(180.0/lat_dims)-90 lon=FINDGEN(lon_dims)*(360.0/lon_dims)-180 ; Generate a plot. m = MAP('Geographic', TITLE=file_name, FONT_SIZE=9, /BUFFER) ct = COLORTABLE(72, /reverse) t1 = TEXT(0.15, 0.2, longname) c1 = CONTOUR(data, lon, lat, /FILL, OVERPLOT=m, $ RGB_TABLE=ct, $ GRID_UNITS='degrees', POSITION=[0.1, 0.1, 0.83, 0.9]) mc = MAPCONTINENTS() cb = COLORBAR(TARGET=c1, /BORDER, ORIENTATION=1, TEXTPOS=1, $ POSITION=[0.85,0.2,0.87,0.8], TITLE=units) png = file_name + '.idl.png' c1.save, png, HEIGHT=600, WIDTH=800 EXIT