Index of /software/h4cflib/previous_releases/1.1/windows
Copyright (C) 2010-2015 The HDF Group
h4tonccf is the static binary utility to convert HDF4/HDF-EOS2 to netCDF-3 that follows the CF conventions.
h4tonccf_nc4 is the static binary utility to convert HDF4/HDF-EOS2 to netCDF-4/HDF5 that follows the CF conventions.
We've built these utilities on MS VS 2010. The static library and header files are also provided. HDF4,HDF-EOS2 and
JPEG,ZLIB libraries are also provided under /deps for references.
The HDF4 library version is HDF4.2.11. The HDF-EOS2 library version is HDF-EOS2.19.
The version of netCDF-3 and netCDF-4 libraries for h4tonccf is netCDF-
The version of HDF5 libraries to build netCDF-4 for h4tonccf4 is HDF5.1.8.15-patch1.
We use the static zlib 1.2.8 and jpeg 8b for the external zlib and jpeg libraries.