Can I convert HDF-EOS 2.x data to HDF-EOS 5.x and vice versa?

HDF-EOS 2.x to HDF-EOS 5.x

The NASA contractor responsible for the development of the HDF-EOS libraries has developed a tool called heconvert that will convert HDF-EOS 2.x objects to HDF-EOS 5.x objects. The tool essentially reads the HDF-EOS 2.x data using the HDF-EOS 2.x library then writes the data back out using the HDF-EOS 5.x library.

Some caveats apply however.

non-HDF-EOS objects, such as HDF4 objects, are NOT converted to HDF-EOS 5.x or HDF5.
 This is important because most HDF-EOS data products are really hybrid files that also contain standard HDF objects. Developers at NCSA have performed an experiment in which the heconvert tool was augmented by their H4toH5 Library in order to convert the non-HDF-EOS objects, thereby creating a more complete output file. According to NCSA, the H4toH5 library performs a default conversion on HDF4 objects which may not be the desired result in all cases. Anyone considering this method is encouraged to read the complete details and conclusions of the experiment on the NSCA web site.
Attributes that did not exist in the HDF-EOS 2.x, such as Global and Local attributes, will NOT be written out to the new file by the HDF-EOS 5.x library.

HDF-EOS 5.x to HDF-EOS 2.x

As of May 19, 2003, there are no tools available to convert HDF-EOS 5.x data to HDF-EOS 2.x files.