/****************************************************************/ /*ESD72_95 2000/08/22 ECSed27854 */ /*New AIRS ESDT. */ /****************************************************************/ GROUP = METADATA GROUP = COLLECTIONMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP OBJECT = DLLName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "libDsESDTSyBASIC.001Sh.so" END_OBJECT = DLLName OBJECT = SpatialSearchType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Rectangle" END_OBJECT = SpatialSearchType GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass OBJECT = ShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AIRABCTB" END_OBJECT = ShortName OBJECT = LongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AIRS/Aqua AMSU Level 1B Daily Browse Color Table" END_OBJECT = LongName OBJECT = CollectionDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AIRS/Aqua One or more 8-bit color tables for AMSU Level 1B Daily Browse Images" END_OBJECT = CollectionDescription OBJECT = VersionID Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 1 END_OBJECT = VersionID END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = ECSCollection OBJECT = RevisionDate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "2000-08-22" END_OBJECT = RevisionDate OBJECT = ProcessingCenter Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "GSFC" END_OBJECT = ProcessingCenter OBJECT = ArchiveCenter Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "GSFC" END_OBJECT = ArchiveCenter OBJECT = VersionDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Initial descriptor" END_OBJECT = VersionDescription END_GROUP = ECSCollection GROUP = SingleTypeCollection OBJECT = CollectionState Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "In Work" END_OBJECT = CollectionState OBJECT = MaintenanceandUpdateFrequency Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Daily" END_OBJECT = MaintenanceandUpdateFrequency END_GROUP = SingleTypeCollection GROUP = Spatial OBJECT = SpatialCoverageType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "HORIZ&VERT" END_OBJECT = SpatialCoverageType GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = VerticalSpatialDomain OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Minimum Altitude" END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainType OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "SFC" END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainValue END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainContainer OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Maximum Altitude" END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainType OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "TOA" END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainValue END_OBJECT = VerticalSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = VerticalSpatialDomain GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = -180.0 END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 90.0 END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 180.0 END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = -90.0 END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = CoordinateSystemContainer GROUP = HorizontalCoordinateSystemContainer GROUP = GeographicCoordinateSystem OBJECT = LatitudeResolution Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 0.25 END_OBJECT = LatitudeResolution OBJECT = LongitudeResolution Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 0.25 END_OBJECT = LongitudeResolution OBJECT = GeographicCoordinateUnits Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Decimal Degrees" END_OBJECT = GeographicCoordinateUnits END_GROUP = GeographicCoordinateSystem END_GROUP = HorizontalCoordinateSystemContainer END_GROUP = CoordinateSystemContainer END_GROUP = Spatial GROUP = Temporal OBJECT = TimeType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "UTC" END_OBJECT = TimeType OBJECT = DateType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Julian" END_OBJECT = DateType OBJECT = TemporalRangeType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Continuous Range" END_OBJECT = TemporalRangeType OBJECT = PrecisionofSeconds Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 4 END_OBJECT = PrecisionofSeconds OBJECT = EndsatPresentFlag Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Y" END_OBJECT = EndsatPresentFlag GROUP = RangeDateTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "1998-06-08" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "00:00:00" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime OBJECT = RangeEndingDate Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "1998-06-08" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = RangeEndingTime Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "23:59:59" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime END_GROUP = RangeDateTime END_GROUP = Temporal GROUP = Contact GROUP = ContactPerson OBJECT = ContactPersonContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = Role Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Investigator" END_OBJECT = Role OBJECT = ContactInstructions Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Send email if there is a problem." END_OBJECT = ContactInstructions OBJECT = ContactJobPosition Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AIRS Analyst" END_OBJECT = ContactJobPosition OBJECT = ContactFirstName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Denis" END_OBJECT = ContactFirstName OBJECT = ContactMiddleName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "N/A" END_OBJECT = ContactMiddleName OBJECT = ContactLastName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Elliott" END_OBJECT = ContactLastName GROUP = ContactPersonAddress Class = "1" OBJECT = ContactPersonAddressContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = StreetAddress Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "4800 Oak Grove Drive" END_OBJECT = StreetAddress OBJECT = City Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Pasadena" END_OBJECT = City OBJECT = StateProvince Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "California" END_OBJECT = StateProvince OBJECT = PostalCode Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "91109-8099" END_OBJECT = PostalCode OBJECT = Country Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "USA" END_OBJECT = Country END_OBJECT = ContactPersonAddressContainer END_GROUP = ContactPersonAddress GROUP = Telephone Class = "1" OBJECT = TelephoneContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = TelephoneNumber Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "818-354-2117" END_OBJECT = TelephoneNumber OBJECT = TelephoneNumberType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Voice" END_OBJECT = TelephoneNumberType END_OBJECT = TelephoneContainer END_GROUP = Telephone GROUP = Email Class = "1" OBJECT = ElectronicMailAddress Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Denis.A.Elliott@jpl.nasa.gov" END_OBJECT = ElectronicMailAddress END_GROUP = Email END_OBJECT = ContactPersonContainer END_GROUP = ContactPerson GROUP = ContactOrganization OBJECT = ContactOrganizationContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = Role Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Investigator" END_OBJECT = Role OBJECT = ContactInstructions Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Send email if there is a problem." END_OBJECT = ContactInstructions OBJECT = ContactOrganizationName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "JPL AIRS Project Office" END_OBJECT = ContactOrganizationName GROUP = ContactOrganizationAddress Class = "1" OBJECT = ContactOrganizationAddressContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = StreetAddress Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "4800 Oak Grove Drive" END_OBJECT = StreetAddress OBJECT = City Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Pasadena" END_OBJECT = City OBJECT = StateProvince Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "California" END_OBJECT = StateProvince OBJECT = PostalCode Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "91109-8099" END_OBJECT = PostalCode OBJECT = Country Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "USA" END_OBJECT = Country END_OBJECT = ContactOrganizationAddressContainer END_GROUP = ContactOrganizationAddress GROUP = OrganizationTelephone Class = "1" OBJECT = OrganizationTelephoneContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = TelephoneNumber Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "1-818-354-2117" END_OBJECT = TelephoneNumber OBJECT = TelephoneNumberType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Voice" END_OBJECT = TelephoneNumberType END_OBJECT = OrganizationTelephoneContainer END_GROUP = OrganizationTelephone GROUP = OrganizationEmail Class = "1" OBJECT = ElectronicMailAddress Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Denis.A.Elliott@jpl.nasa.gov" END_OBJECT = ElectronicMailAddress END_GROUP = OrganizationEmail END_OBJECT = ContactOrganizationContainer END_GROUP = ContactOrganization END_GROUP = Contact GROUP = DisciplineTopicParameters OBJECT = DisciplineTopicParametersContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = ECSDisciplineKeyword Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Earth Science" END_OBJECT = ECSDisciplineKeyword OBJECT = ECSTopicKeyword Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Radiance or Imagery" END_OBJECT = ECSTopicKeyword OBJECT = ECSTermKeyword Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Infrared Wavelengths" END_OBJECT = ECSTermKeyword OBJECT = ECSVariableKeyword Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Infrared Flux" END_OBJECT = ECSVariableKeyword END_OBJECT = DisciplineTopicParametersContainer END_GROUP = DisciplineTopicParameters GROUP = ProcessingLevel OBJECT = ProcessingLevelDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Level 1B Radiances" END_OBJECT = ProcessingLevelDescription OBJECT = ProcessingLevelID Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "1B" END_OBJECT = ProcessingLevelID END_GROUP = ProcessingLevel GROUP = Platform OBJECT = PlatformContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = PlatformShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Aqua" END_OBJECT = PlatformShortName OBJECT = PlatformLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "First EOS Polar Orbiting Satellite, 1:30 PM Ascending Equator Crossing" END_OBJECT = PlatformLongName OBJECT = PlatformType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Spacecraft" END_OBJECT = PlatformType GROUP = PlatformCharacteristic Class = "1" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "EquatorCrossingTime" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Local time of the equator crossing and direction (ascending or descending)" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "varchar" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Local Mean Time" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass Class = "1" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "1:30 PM, ascending" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue END_GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "OrbitInclination" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "inclined orbit" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "float" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "degrees" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass Class = "2" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "98.2" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue END_GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "OrbitalPeriod" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicName OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "orbital period for a 16-day, 233-orbit repeat cycle" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDescription OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "float" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicDataType OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "minutes" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicUnit GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass Class = "3" OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "98.88" END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicValue END_GROUP = PlatformCharacteristicValueClass END_OBJECT = PlatformCharacteristicContainer END_GROUP = PlatformCharacteristic GROUP = Instrument Class = "1" OBJECT = InstrumentContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = InstrumentShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A" END_OBJECT = InstrumentShortName OBJECT = InstrumentLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit" END_OBJECT = InstrumentLongName OBJECT = InstrumentTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Cross-Track Scanning Multichannel Microwave Sounding" END_OBJECT = InstrumentTechnique OBJECT = NumberofSensors Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 15 END_OBJECT = NumberofSensors GROUP = OperationModeClass Class = "1" OBJECT = OperationMode Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 3 Value = ("Normal","Calibration","Test") END_OBJECT = OperationMode END_GROUP = OperationModeClass GROUP = InstrumentCharacteristic Class = "1" OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "IFOV" END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicName OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicDescription Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "instantaneous field of view" END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicDescription OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicUnit Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "degree" END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicUnit OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicDataType Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "float" END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicDataType GROUP = InstrumentCharacteristicValueClass Class = "1" OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "3.3" END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicValue END_GROUP = InstrumentCharacteristicValueClass END_OBJECT = InstrumentCharacteristicContainer END_GROUP = InstrumentCharacteristic GROUP = Sensor Class = "1" OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 1" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 1 center freq 23.800 GHz bandpass 0.270 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "1" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 2" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 2 center freq 31.400 GHz bandpass 0.180 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "2" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 3" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 3 center freq 50.300 GHz bandpass 0.180 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "3" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "4" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "4" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 4" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "4" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 4 center freq 52.800 GHz bandpass 0.400 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "4" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "5" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "5" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 5" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "5" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 5 center freq 53.596+/-0.115 GHz bandpass 2x0.170 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "5" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "6" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "6" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 6" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "6" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 6 center freq 54.400 GHz bandpass 0.400 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "6" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "7" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "7" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 7" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "7" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 7 center freq 54.940 GHz bandpass 0.400 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "7" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "8" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "8" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 8" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "8" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 8 center freq 55.500 GHz bandpass 0.330 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "8" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "9" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "9" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 9" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "9" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 9 center freq 57.290344 GHz bandpass 0.330 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "9" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "10" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "10" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 10" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "10" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 10 center freq 57.290344+/-0.217 GHz bandpass 2x0.078 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "10" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "11" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "11" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 11" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "11" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 11 center freq 57.290344+/-0.3222+/-0.048 GHz bandpass 4x0.036 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "11" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "12" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "12" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 12" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "12" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 12 center freq 57.290344+/-0.3222+/-0.022 GHz bandpass 4x0.016 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "12" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Doubly Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "13" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "13" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 13" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "13" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 13 center freq 57.290344+/-0.3222+/-0.010 GHz bandpass 4x0.008 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "13" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Doubly Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "14" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "14" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 14" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "14" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 14 center freq 57.290344+/-0.3222+/-0.0045 GHz bandpass 4x0.003 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "14" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Doubly Split Bandpass Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer OBJECT = SensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "15" OBJECT = SensorShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "15" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Channel 15" END_OBJECT = SensorShortName OBJECT = SensorLongName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "15" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A Chan 15 center freq 89.000 GHz bandpass 6.000 GHz" END_OBJECT = SensorLongName OBJECT = SensorTechnique Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "15" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Broadband Microwave Radiometry" END_OBJECT = SensorTechnique END_OBJECT = SensorContainer END_GROUP = Sensor END_OBJECT = InstrumentContainer END_GROUP = Instrument END_OBJECT = PlatformContainer END_GROUP = Platform END_GROUP = COLLECTIONMETADATA GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP GROUP = ECSDataGranule OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule Data_Location = "DSS" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule OBJECT = ReprocessingActual Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalGranuleID Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = DayNightFlag Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ProductionDateTime Data_Location = "TK" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DATETIME" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = LocalVersionID Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule GROUP = MeasuredParameter OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Class = "M" Mandatory = "TRUE" OBJECT = ParameterName Data_Location = "PGE" Class = "M" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = ParameterName GROUP = QAFlags Class = "M" OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag Data_Location = "DP" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation Data_Location = "DP" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_GROUP = QAFlags GROUP = QAStats Class = "M" OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover END_GROUP = QAStats END_OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer END_GROUP = MeasuredParameter GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Class = "M" Mandatory = "TRUE" OBJECT = OrbitNumber Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "M" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "TIME" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "DATE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate END_OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass OBJECT = ShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AIRABCTB" END_OBJECT = ShortName OBJECT = VersionID Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = 1 END_OBJECT = VersionID END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = InputGranule OBJECT = InputPointer Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 241 TYPE = "STRING" Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = InputPointer END_GROUP = InputGranule GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = GranuleLocality OBJECT = LocalityValue Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Global" END_OBJECT = LocalityValue END_GROUP = GranuleLocality GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = ZoneIdentifierClass OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Other Grid System" END_OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier END_GROUP = ZoneIdentifierClass GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = RangeDateTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "TIME" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime OBJECT = RangeEndingTime Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "TIME" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DATE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeEndingDate Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" TYPE = "DATE" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate END_GROUP = RangeDateTime GROUP = PGEVersionClass OBJECT = PGEVersion Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = PGEVersion END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "Aqua" END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Value = "AMSU-A" END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "TRUE" Class = "M" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = OperationMode Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" Class = "M" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = OperationMode END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor END_GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA END_GROUP = METADATA GROUP = SERVICE OBJECT = ACQUIRE CHECK_EXTRA = TRUE CHECK_ORDER = FALSE /* Only TRUE for Billing */ OBJECT = DDISTMEDIATYPE MANDATORY = TRUE NUM_VAL = 7 VALUELIST = ("FtpPush", "FtpPull", "8MM", "4MM", "9TRK", "CDROM", "D3") END_OBJECT = DDISTMEDIATYPE OBJECT = DDISTMEDIAFMT MANDATORY = FALSE VALUELIST = "FILEFORMAT" DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 3 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = ("FtpPush", "FtpPull", "CDROM") END_OBJECT = DDISTMEDIAFMT OBJECT = DDISTMEDIAFMT MANDATORY = FALSE VALUELIST = "TARFORMAT" DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 4 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = ("4MM", "8MM", "9TRK", "D3") END_OBJECT = DDISTMEDIAFMT OBJECT = ECSUSERPROFILE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = ECSUSERPROFILE OBJECT = ORDERID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = ORDERID OBJECT = REQUESTID MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = REQUESTID OBJECT = DDISTNOTIFYTYPE MANDATORY = FALSE NUM_VAL = 2 VALUELIST = ("MAIL", "LIST") END_OBJECT = DDISTNOTIFYTYPE OBJECT = FTPUSER MANDATORY = FALSE DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 1 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = "FtpPush" END_OBJECT = FTPUSER OBJECT = FTPPASSWORD MANDATORY = FALSE DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 1 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = "FtpPush" END_OBJECT = FTPPASSWORD OBJECT = FTPHOST MANDATORY = FALSE DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 1 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = "FtpPush" END_OBJECT = FTPHOST OBJECT = FTPPUSHDEST MANDATORY = FALSE DEPENDENCY = "DDISTMEDIATYPE" NUM_DEPENDENCY_VALUES = 1 DEPENDENCY_VALUES = "FtpPush" END_OBJECT = FTPPUSHDEST OBJECT = NOTIFY MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = NOTIFY OBJECT = SITE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = SITE OBJECT = UserString MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = UserString ADVERTISED = TRUE END_OBJECT = ACQUIRE OBJECT = INSERT CHECK_EXTRA = TRUE OBJECT = SHORTNAME MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = SHORTNAME OBJECT = VERSIONID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = VERSIONID OBJECT = MAINGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = SHORTNAME MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = SHORTNAME OBJECT = VERSIONID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = VERSIONID OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = METADATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = METADATAFILE END_OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = DATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = DATAFILE OBJECT = FILETYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = FILETYPE END_OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP END_OBJECT = MAINGROUP OBJECT = BROWSEGROUP MANDATORY = FALSE OBJECT = SHORTNAME MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = SHORTNAME OBJECT = VERSIONID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = VERSIONID OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = METADATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = METADATAFILE END_OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = DATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = DATAFILE OBJECT = FILETYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = FILETYPE END_OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP END_OBJECT = BROWSEGROUP OBJECT = QA MANDATORY = FALSE OBJECT = SHORTNAME MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = SHORTNAME OBJECT = VERSIONID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = VERSIONID OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = METADATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = METADATAFILE END_OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = DATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = DATAFILE OBJECT = FILETYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = FILETYPE END_OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP END_OBJECT = QA OBJECT = PH MANDATORY = FALSE OBJECT = SHORTNAME MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = SHORTNAME OBJECT = VERSIONID MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = VERSIONID OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = METADATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = METADATAFILE END_OBJECT = METAFILEGROUP OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP MANDATORY = TRUE OBJECT = DATAFILE MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = DATAFILE OBJECT = FILETYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = FILETYPE END_OBJECT = DATAFILEGROUP END_OBJECT = PH OBJECT = LISTOFURS MANDATORY = FALSE OBJECT = UR MANDATORY = TRUE END_OBJECT = UR END_OBJECT = LISTOFURS ADVERTISED = TRUE END_OBJECT = INSERT OBJECT = BROWSE ADVERTISED = TRUE END_OBJECT = BROWSE OBJECT = GETQUERYABLEPARAMETERS ADVERTISED = TRUE OBJECT = METADATATYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = METADATATYPE END_OBJECT = GETQUERYABLEPARAMETERS OBJECT = INSPECT ADVERTISED = TRUE OBJECT = METADATATYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = METADATATYPE END_OBJECT = INSPECT OBJECT = INSPECTCL ADVERTISED = TRUE OBJECT = METADATATYPE MANDATORY = FALSE END_OBJECT = METADATATYPE END_OBJECT = INSPECTCL OBJECT = DELETE ADVERTISED = TRUE END_OBJECT = DELETE /* The Delete from Archive service (deletes a granule but not metadata) */ /* Optional service */ OBJECT = DELETEFROMARCHIVE ADVERTISED = FALSE END_OBJECT = DELETEFROMARCHIVE END_GROUP = SERVICE GROUP = STRUCTURE OBJECT = STRUCTURE CSDTType = "Simple Swath" CSDTInterfaceType = NonConformant CSDTImplementation = HDF END_OBJECT = STRUCTURE END_GROUP = STRUCTURE GROUP = EVENT OBJECT = DELETE DESCRIPTION = "A granule of AIRABCTB type was deleted from the DataServer's holdings" CATEGORY = ESDT OBJECT = EVENTPARMS ARGUMENTS = UR TYPE = STRING END_OBJECT = EVENTPARMS END_OBJECT = DELETE OBJECT = INSERT DESCRIPTION = "A granule of AIRABCTB type was added to the DataServer's holdings" CATEGORY = ESDT OBJECT = EVENTPARMS ARGUMENTS = UR TYPE = STRING OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule END_OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule OBJECT = ReprocessingActual END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalGranuleID END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = DayNightFlag END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ProductionDateTime END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = LocalVersionID END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID OBJECT = ParameterName END_OBJECT = ParameterName OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData END_OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData END_OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover END_OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover OBJECT = OrbitNumber END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber END_OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber END_OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate OBJECT = ShortName END_OBJECT = ShortName OBJECT = VersionID END_OBJECT = VersionID OBJECT = LocalityValue END_OBJECT = LocalityValue OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier END_OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime OBJECT = RangeEndingTime END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeEndingDate END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = PGEVersion END_OBJECT = PGEVersion OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = OperationMode END_OBJECT = OperationMode END_OBJECT = EVENTPARMS END_OBJECT = INSERT OBJECT = UPDATEMETADATA DESCRIPTION = "The metadata for this granule (of type AIRABCTB) has been modified" CATEGORY = ESDT OBJECT = EVENTPARMS ARGUMENTS = UR TYPE = STRING OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule END_OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule OBJECT = ReprocessingActual END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalGranuleID END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = DayNightFlag END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ProductionDateTime END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = LocalVersionID END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID OBJECT = ParameterName END_OBJECT = ParameterName OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData END_OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData END_OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover END_OBJECT = QAPercentCloudCover OBJECT = OrbitNumber END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber END_OBJECT = StartOrbitNumber OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber END_OBJECT = StopOrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate OBJECT = ShortName END_OBJECT = ShortName OBJECT = VersionID END_OBJECT = VersionID OBJECT = LocalityValue END_OBJECT = LocalityValue OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier END_OBJECT = ZoneIdentifier OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime OBJECT = RangeEndingTime END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeEndingDate END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = PGEVersion END_OBJECT = PGEVersion OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = OperationMode END_OBJECT = OperationMode END_OBJECT = EVENTPARMS END_OBJECT = UPDATEMETADATA END_GROUP = EVENT END